Great News!
Hey everyone! I know it has been awhile and I apologize. Been very busy with a lot of different products going on. First, I have been...

The Art of the Fair
Selling yourself is integral to being successful.

State of my World
I know it has been ages since I blogged and I must apologize for that. I have been very busy. Since the new year I have been working in...

New Year, New Fun!
Well, it's 2019 and its that time for people to make resolutions that they will just cast away in the next coming weeks. So often, our...

The Birth of a New World
It's not easy to create a new world. Nor should it be. There are many things to consider. You aren't just coming up with interesting...

Well, you asked!
As a fantasy author, I am constantly asked about one thing. What are my favorite fantasy books? Good question. So, to alleviate any...

Now is the time!
This book has been a little bit of a labor of love. I started writing it over fifteen years ago. I set it aside as life interfered and...

Life...finds a way.
Life finds a way. A way to get in the way. At least when it comes to writing. Writing, is a very solitary pursuit. You need quiet and to...

Inside the Coven
A while ago, I started writing the story for, "Intellect" and "Race of the Witchguard" though they didn't carry those names at the time....

Start of a New Year!
I know what your thinking. It's almost March, isn't it a little late to be starting the New Year? Well...kinda. The thing is, my first...